I am profoundly humbled and with great sense of humility to the Almighty God and mankind, that I stand before you, my past Presidents, Distinguished Council Members, Fellows and Professional Colleagues, to accept this revered office, as the 13 President of the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN).

I promise on my honor that I will render a responsive and integrity based twenty-four months fair and transparent administration. I promise to serve you faithfully, diligently and with transparent accountability. Our service to you will never be in half measure, but full and complete. The Presidency, Council and Staff of the Secretariat will offer quality service, laced with respect to all ANAN members in any service point, be it in the office, at functions, anywhere, anytime. This is my promise, because I know ANAN members deserve quality and responsible service. I remember that day, it was a Wednesday, st the 1 of February, 1995. I took a night bus from Port Harcourt to Lagos. The purpose, was for my induction into this prestigious Association as a member. The time for nd induction was 10:00am on Thursday, 2 February, 1995. I arrived the induction venue, very happy to become a Certified National Accountant, with a fi rm Commitment and promise to work for the Association By July, 1995, I was elected the pioneer Secretary – General of the Rivers State Branch of ANAN, a Position I maintained till the Creation of Bayelsa State, and later became the pioneer Chairman of Bayelsa State Branch of ANAN. It was while serving my second tenure as Branch Chairman, that the Great Call came from the Governing Council of ANAN, inviting me to serve in Council. I was sworn into Council in April, 2009, during the Last AGM of Past President, Dr. Sam O. Nzekwe. th Today, 29 April, 2023, exactly after 28 years of my Membership of ANAN, and 14 years of being in Council, I stand here by your mandate and on my Honour,  accepting to be your President, the 13 President of ANAN. Let me thank the Body of Past Presidents, all of whom are my mentors. My particular thanks, goes to Dr. Sam O. Nzekwe –“the Bulldozer”, who as President in 2009, swore me into Council as a member, and has never ceased in mentoring me. I dedicate my present Honour and Glory of today, to Dr. Sam O. Nzekwe. You are indeed, the “Bulldozer”. Sir, the love you extended to me, positively nurtured my growth in ANAN. I promise you, that we shall continue to work together and position ANAN as the Professional Body of Choice in Nigeria, Africa and the World.

My dear Professional Colleagues, you have just watched my investiture as the 13 President of ANAN. God knows every ending from the beginning. God ordained and marked out this day specifically for meth to be inaugurated as the 13 President. Numbers are created specifically to satisfy plans and purposes and the number 13 is not an exception. The Number 13, indicates new beginning. As thirteen means the 1, after one dozen. ANAN will wear a new face, spread with ease and will be warmly embraced by other Professional Accounting Organizations.

  1. ESTABLISHING ANAN CLUB IN U N I V E R S I T I E S A N D POLYTECHNICS: Every undergraduate and stakeholders in Accountancy Department in any Nigeria University and Polytechnic must know about ANAN, as this administration hopes to create ANAN Club in Tertiary Institutions. Time past, Council resolved, to gather Accounting Undergraduates on Zonal basis in all MCPDs, for tutorial basis. Recognizing the risks and costs involved, this practice faded away on its own. However, ANAN must drive her visibility to all Accounting Students and stakeholders, in all higher institutions in Nigeria, and in the Diaspora. As these are our potential students, for the Nigerian College of Accountancy, Kwall, Jos.  To catch them young, the 13 President and his team will establish “ANAN CLUB” in all institutions of Higher learning, offering Accounting as a Course. We shall experiment this with establishing one Club in each zone for this first year, and watch the progress. Already, Literatures and manuals for mentoring club members have been developed to guide the activities of clubs and their members. For this purpose, a Council Committee shall be formed, known a s : “ P r o f e s s i o n a l Y o u t h Ambassadors of ANAN” (PYAN).
  1. ENRICHING PARTICIPATION AND GIVING WOMEN MORE VOICE IN COUNCIL: Section 3 of ANAN Act, Spells out the number of persons in ANAN Council. This is however in the proposed Bill, already passed by the National Assembly, and awaiting Presidential Assent. The Bill states that a maximum of three (3) persons shall be co-opted, and with a tenure of two years and without Voting rights. I hope to dialogue with Council and secure their approval for the Coopted members. This is to enrich Council participation, giving women more voice in Council and to attract the attention of some institutions that are financially assisting ANAN, as saying thank you, is simply asking for more assistance.
  1. STRENGTHENING EXISTING A N A N B R A N C H E S A N D ESTABLISHING MORE AT THE DIASPORA: Branches are the strength and engine-room of the working of the Association. T h r o u g h t h e b r a n c h e s a n d Benevolence Committee, The Chairman will be given more powers to interact with the Zones, ensuring a seamless relationship to deliver effective growth at the branches. There are many requests from member s of ANAN from the Diaspora. Council will look into these requests and grant approval to anyone that meets our given requirements.
  2. NATIONALFELLOWS FORUM: Fellow is awarded to a senior, responsible and deserving member of the Association. Members who have properly served, ethically upright and Loyal to the tenets of the profession. While most of our Fellows commit themselves in service and associate with events of ANAN, most Fellows show apathy and distance themselves from ANAN events. This administration hopes to set up a vibrant Fellows Forum in every Branch, and create a National College of Fellows, to interact with the Branches. ANAN Fellows shall be accorded the best of respect, regard, honour in any ANAN gathering and occasion.
  3. INTERNATIONALAFFILIATIONS: Our respected past Presidents have worked hard in building a vibrant Professional Body in Nigeria, the West African Sub-region, Africa and the Globe. The present regime will assiduously work towards respecting all Local and Foreign MOUs, MRAs and twinning partnerships. We shall continue to show visibility at the foreign scene in order to reciprocate with our partners to build a Large Corporate Image for ANAN.
  4. INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT: The Association has two tertiary institutions – ANAN University and the Nigeria College of Accountancy, all in Kwall, Jos. The two institutions share the available Hostels, examination Halls, Offices and many other facilities. ANAN University is currently running Post-graduate Programmes, with and P.hD students on campus, and these students need befitting and comfortable Hostels to rest after the day’s academics, and as it fits their social status. President will work with Council, to build a standard Hostel block chri s tened, “Post-graduate student’s Hostel” for the University. Existing hostels built for the College over time, are seriously begging for r e n o v a t i o n . B e c a u s e , t h i s administration believes in continuity, renovation to these Hostels shall be effected within the first six months of this administration. With the a v a i l a b i l i t y o f f u n d s , t h i s administration hopes to build a befitting Campus of the University in Abuja, as this will attract revenue inflow for the University. This administration also hopes to send a memo to Council, for the possibility of running an Undergraduate Programme in the Abuja Campus. On approval by Council, we shall formally apply to NUC, seeking for permission to run the Undergraduate Programme.
  5. ANAN PRACTITIONERS FORUM Results from ANAN, MPPF proves that our practitioners are solid and competitive in standards and practice. However, we need to encourage more Persons/Firms to come together to form partnership in practice, in order to meet the global Brand. Such synergy will produce a bumper effect, and greater economies of scale to project the firms and the Association.
  6. DIGITAL CAPACITY AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFORMATION As we look ahead to the future, it is clear that the Accounting Profession and the way it interacts with stakeholders is undergoing a profound transformation. The world is going Digital, and we are faced with unprecedented challenges and opportunities. ANAN cannot wait, or miss the trend and proficiency. My vision for the Association is to focus on innovation, digital transformation and strategic partnership. We must invest in programmes and trainings that will enable our members to stay ahead of the curve, in a rapidly changing world. We shall work with leading experts to develop cutting-edge curricula that incorporates the latest trends in technology, data analysis and financial management. W e m u s t e m b r a c e d i g i t a l transformation in all aspects of our operations. This means leveraging on the latest technologies to streamline our internal processes, enhance our members’ engagement, and expand our reach globally. We shall invest in State – of – the – art software tools that will allow us to automate routine tasks, improve data security, and provide real – time insights into our operations.
  7. CONCLUSION Professional colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen, Let me conclude my acceptance speech by once again, thanking the founding Fathers and past Presidents of this great Association, who worked with pains to raise the Association to this Premium level of attainment. We promise to build more and push the spread. As President, I will work harmoniously with my Council Members to serve the Association above self, and ensure a true Committed Service to members and stake-holders of the Association. Permit me to recognize and pay Special respect to my dear wife, Deaconess Mrs. Patricia Ebiere Neminebor, who has continuously been my prayer warrior, the pillar and encouragement, in the course of my constant travels and service to ANAN. My dear children, who constantly miss the presence of “Daddy” at the head of the dining table. I love you all, and thanks for your strength and prayers. My dear friends, colleagues and well wishers. Your presence here added color and glamour to this occasion. May the Good Lord grant journey mercies to us, as we journey back to our respective destinations. My distinguished Council Members, I owe you a duty of respect, diligence and transparency. I equally solicit for your respect and hand of fellowship at all times, as together, we shall make our Association a global Leader in the Accounting Profession and a force for positive change in the world. To the press – the fourth Estate of the realm, the Security Personnel, the cultural troupes and every person involved in this occasion. I love you all and may the Good Lord protect, abide and bless us all. AMEN.